Sherbrooke Village Recognizes Employees for Years of Service
employees Awards presented as 2021 season winds down
At the all-staff meeting on September 9, 2021, Sherbrooke Restoration Commission Chair, Margaret Harpell and Vice-Chair, Keith Gallant along with Directors Rennie Beaver and Denise Sawlor were pleased to acknowledge 35 employees for their long-term service to Sherbrooke Village.
Employees with milestones of ten, fifteen and twenty years were given specially designed pins. Thirteen employees with twenty-five (plus) years of service received Sherbrooke Village monogramed watches.
Sherbrooke Restoration Commission Chair, Margaret Harpell said, “it was a pleasure to acknowledge and recognize these people for their hard work and dedication over the years.”
An informal barbecue was held at the end of the day for all employees.
Director of Visitor Experience, Robin Anderson shared, “having been part of Sherbrooke Village for only a short while, I had great pride in watching these talented members of our team be recognised for an impressive number of years of service amongst them. The pride in our community, in our heritage, and the visitor experience we provide is something we are all proud of. Congratulations to all those who had a hand in making that happen”.
Sherbrooke Village will close for the season on September 18th. It has been a year of changes, adjusting to Covid-19 opening phases and making plans for what we could and could not offer to the public while following the protocols.
All in all, it turned out to be a very busy summer and we are both surprised and grateful.
In 2021 the “Sundays in the Park” outdoor entertainment series was launched with rave reviews. Admission was by donation. Total raised was $2,565.65. All proceeds were given to local charities. Also new was the “Dog Agility Training Day”. An abundance of spectators brought their dogs and tried a few of the courses.
With extra health measures and required Event Safety Plans in place the Village was able to successfully host “St. Mary’s River Days” and “Sherbrooke Show & Shine”. We hope to see you all next year when surely, we’ll be able to offer more of our regular experiences, learning programs and events.
Photos compliments of Sherbrooke Village
10 Years of Service:
L to R – Kyle Strongman, Lana Smith, Eileen Hurley, Valerie Gallon and Allan MacKeen
15 Years of Service:
Back L to R – Meg Wilcox, Maria Tate, Cindy Myers and Debra Smith
Front L to R – Helen Moore, Nicole Pye and Marty MacDonald
20 Years of Service:
Back L to R – Jamie Anderson and Tony Huntley
Front L to R – Angelina Jack and Debbie Baker
25 Years of Service:
Back L to R – Lynn Hayne, Colin Moser, Patty Lou McGrath, Karen Pye, Joy Dort and Heather Rudolph
Centre – Holly Langille, Nancy Beaver and Karen Hallett
Front- Susan Hayne
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